German command-form verbs and English

Many German verbs are present in English in a form nearest their singular second-person imperative in German (that is, the form in which one would issue a command to another person, for example: “Go!”).

Probably this is because the imperative is the simplest form, basically with conjugation endings stripped off (but a more sinister thought would be, perhaps it was the language of people who learned the verbs as commands).

Besides the immediate similarity, another point of interest is that English often preserves the peculiarly germanic irregular (“strong”) conjugations (for example, swim, swam, swum, are the same in both English and German.) While English often loses this grammatical complication, sometimes it preserves an old conjugation lost in German, and sometimes adds a strong conjugation to a verb that was not previously strong. So I have made special note of irregular past tenses and past participles.

G. German (modern High German)
MHG Middle High German
OHG Old High German
E. English
ME Middle English
OE Old English
Du. Dutch
No. Norse
F. French
MF Middle French
L. Latin
IE Indo-European
n. noun
v. verb
adj. adjective
p.t. past tense
p.p. past participle
conj. conjugation

Some everyday words are listed first, followed by the rest.

German command-form verbs and English
English base German 2nd
person imperative
bathe bade
begin beginnbegan,begun:begann,begonnen
become bekommmeans 'get'. (interplay between languages here…)
bring bringbrought:brachte
thank danke
think denkethought:dachte
own eignemeans 'appertain'; as reflexive means 'be suited' (see 'belong')
fall fallfall,fell:fällt,fiel
find findfound:fand
go gehwent,gone:ging,gegangen. E. 'went' is from the old past tense of 'wend'.
give gibgave,given:gab,gegeben
have habehad:hatte
hate hasse
help hilf
know kenneknew:gekannt. means 'be acquainted with'
come kommcame:kam
love liebe
lie lieglay:lag. intransitive form; as 'lay (oneself) down'. See 'lege'
live lebe
make machmade:machte
say sagesaid:sagte
sleep schlafslept:schlief ? G. has irregular p.t.
see siehsaw:sah
do tudid,done,deed:tat,tun,Tat
drink trinkdrank,drunk,drink(n.):trank,getrunken.Getränk. Also, drown:ertrinken
wash wasche
ache ächzemeans 'groan'
ape äffe
angle angleas 'fish with a line'
ogle äugleG. relation to 'Auge' ('eye') is clearer
bake back
bear gebärbore,born:gebar,geboren. Orig. sense was 'carry'; G. preserves only sense of 'give birth'
befall befallbefell:befiel. G. has secondary meaning 'smite, sieze'
bethink bedenkE. archaic
bed bette
beg bettleakin to 'beten'='pray'
ball ballea hide sack to hold fluid; akin to 'Balg', 'balgen'='bellows', also: bulge, belly, bolster, ballock
bellow belledog or cow call
belong belangemeans 'concern or pertain to', now often 'to sue'. OE 'langian' also had sense of 'pertain to', as preserved in 'along with' (G. now uses 'gehören' for ownership)
belove beliebemeans 'prefer'. almost obsolete in E.: only p.p. 'beloved'
beget begattemeans 'copulate'. E. irreg. ('begat,begotten'). See 'gather'
beset besitzmeans 'occupy', or 'own'
better bessere
beware bewahremeans 'keep, preserve'. maybe not exactly cognate, but see 'wahre'
bury birgmeans 'to save, conceal' (esp. by burying) G. bergen, berg, barg, geborgen. See 'borge'
bow beugeas at the knee. means 'bend'. 'verbeugen'='take a bow'. See 'biegen' for the other 'bow'
bid bieteas in an auction. means 'offer', bade,bidden:bot,geboten. akin to 'bitte'='request'
bid bittemeans 'to ask for'. E. archaic I bid thee, bade:bat. Compare 'bettle', 'biete'
bind bindbound:band,gebunden
bend "to bend by binding with string, as a bow
blast blasin sense of wind, blew:blies. Works best as 2nd per. Maybe mixed up with blähen
blow blähesee also 'blast'
burst bürste
brew braue
burn brenneburnt:gebrannt. See 'brand'
breathe brodlemeans 'bubble,seathe'. original meaning was 'steam, vapour'
blind blende
blink blinke
bleach bleich
bore bohreas 'to drill a hole'
bolt bolzeas 'to fasten with a bolt'. other meanings stem from original 'projectile of a crossbow'
brand brand
brush bürste
butter butternmeans 'churn butter'
dam dämme
deck deckeas 'cover'. Compare deck the halls
thin dehnemeans 'stretch thin'. adj. 'dünn'
dock dockefrom Du. in both E. and G.
doze döse
throng dränge
thresh dresche
drift driftefrom Du. in both E. and G.
drill drillefrom Du. in both E. and G.
drone dröhne
dowel düble
duck duckeas duck for cover; bird got its name in OE from the v., an intensive form of 'tauche'='dive'
dust dunstemeans 'vaporize'; n. is 'Staube'
dung düngeonly v. in G.; n. is 'Mist'
thirst durstealso 'dörren'='to dry', 'dürr'='arid'
ebb ebbe'abebben': 'abate'
egg eggeas 'harrow'. Akin to 'ecke'
end ende
earth erde
earn erntemeans 'harvest'
fable fable
fell fälleas a tree
fare fahremeans 'travel'. interesting etymology. also 'ford'
fart furze
fetch fassemeans 'seize, catch'
fast fasteas 'abstain from food'
fight fichtfight,fought:fechten,focht. means 'to fence with swords', originally meant 'pluck out' as wool or hair
fetter fessle
fold falte
foul faulemeans 'lazy'
feather fedre
fire feure
file feileas with wood
fuck ficke
fiddle fiedleprobably early loan from L., mod. G. is 'geigen'
finger fingere
fish fische
flutter flattre
flicker flackre
fly fliegflew,flown:flog,geflogen
flee fliehflew,flown:floh,geflohen also gives 'Flucht' 'flight'
flow fließG. p.t. 'floss'
flood flute
follow folge
further fördre
freeze frierefroze,fror; G. lost the 's' sound
frost fröstlemeans 'shiver with cold'
frolic frölockemy dictionary says E. is from 'frölich', but I'm going with this.
feel fühlefelt:fühlte
fumble fummlefrom Du. in both E. and G.
fear fürchte
fart furze
foot fußemeans 'be based upon'
furrow furche
feed füttre
gable gable
yawn gähne
gape gaffe
yield geltemeans 'be worth'
gather gattemeans 'come together'. Rare ('sammeln' is more common). See 'beget'. Also 'Gatt-e -in'='spouse'.
gush gießmeans 'pour'
believe glaubea stretch, but: G. lost the 'e' in 'ge'; 'ge' became 'be' in E.
glimmer glimmremeans 'glow'. see also 'flimmer'
glide gleiteas on ice; not as a bird
luck glücke
glow glühe
grey graue
grip greif
grin grinse
growl grollemeans 'grumble'. E. via F.?
grunt grunze
greet grüße
gurgle gurgleG. sound is somehow bigger
girdle gürtemeans 'belt', see also 'gird', 'gurten'
hack hacke
halt, hold haltheld:hielt
hammer hämmre
handle handle
harm härmev. rare in G., but n. is Harm
harbor herbergev. obsolete in G. but n. is still used. Also harbinger, but via F.
hark horchharken:horchen; E. obsolete
howl heule
ask heischemeans 'demand'
hinder hindre
hex hexe
handle handle
hang hänghung:hing; E. hinge is related. G. has both weak and strong forms conjugated differently-distinction unclear to me
hook hake
hail hagleas in weather
heap häufe
hem hemmemeans 'inhibit, clog', compare 'hamper', 'hamlet'. Ultimately, 'home'
house hausemeans 'dwell'
heave hebG. also has 'hieven'; E. also has 'heft'
heckle hechle
heilealso the greeting 'hail'
heat hitze
hoard hortrelated to 'Haut' 'hide' as animal skin; and thence to verb 'hide' as 'to conceal'
hope hoffe
haul holeas 'fetch'
hop hopf
hear höre
hoard horte
hunger hungre
hobble humple
herd hütemeans generally 'protect'. Noun forms are identical
yowl jaule
calve kalbe
comb kämme
chew kaue
cower kauere
cough keuchemeans 'gasp, wheeze'. Modern G. is 'husten'
clap klatsche… not very close…
clatter klappre
cleave klebein sense of 'adhere'
clothe kleide
clamp klemme
cleave kliebein sense of 'split'
climb klimmeakin to 'clamber'; also 'klettern'
knock klopfe
clump klumpe
nibble knabbrealso schnabeln, whence nib. from LG
knife kneifmeans 'pinch'
knead knete
kneel knie
knot knotealso related to 'knit'; also 'knüpfen'='tie'
cook koche
gnash knirsche
crack krache
crow krähe
croak krächze
cramp krampfe
scratch kratze
creep krieche
crown kröne
cool kühle
kiss küsse
laugh lache
lame lähme
land lande
means 'go by foot'; E. preserves better the old meaning of the word.
louse lause
lick leckesee also 'schlecken'='to lap up'
lay legetransitive form, as 'lay something down'. See 'lieg'
lehneleant:lehnte. also 'loan'
lead leitein sense of 'conduct'
learn lerne
light leuchte
lisp lisple
lap löfflesense of 'lap up'. means 'ladle'
loose lösche
lie lügas 'tell a lie'
lull lulle
mow mähe
malt mälze
mouse mause
mean meinemeans 'opine'
milk melke
mingle mengealso gives 'among'
mark merkein sense of 'notice'
meow miaue
miss misse
mislead missleite
murder morde
moo muhe
murmlealso 'murren'
may magmeans 'appreciate'; so: if you like
nail nagle
nestle nestledoubt this…confusion about nest and nestle
gnaw nageand E. 'nag'?
near nähremeans 'approach'
nahemeans 'draw near'
name nennen. form identical. an old IE word
sneeze niese
nest niste
need nötigereversal of meaning: means 'impel'; 'benötigen' is 'require'
open öffne
oil öle
pack packefrom Du. in E. and G.
pawn pfändemeans 'distrain'. 'verpfänden' is 'pawn'
pepper pfeffre
pipe pfeifemeans 'whistle'
plant pflanze
pledge pflegemeans 'cherish, foster'. May have come to E. via L. from G.; n. 'Pflicht'='duty' becomes 'plight'
pluck pflücke
plough pflüge
peck, pick picke
peep piepe sound of chicks
splash platsche
plunder plündrefrom LG
bolster polstrein sense of 'cushion'. (dict. says 'upholster' isn't related…)
prick, prickle prickle
pump pumpe
quack quake
quell quälemeans 'torment'. also gives E. 'kill'
ram rammefrom Ramme: male goat.
rammlemeans 'copulate', esp. of animals
race rasemeans 'rave, rage, dash'
rush rausche
rasp rasple
read ratemeans 'advise'
riddle rätslefrom 'raten', secondary meaning 'guess'
rattle rassle
rest raste
reek rauchemeans 'smoke'. sound more like 'rieche', 'to smell'
rob raube
rip raufemeans 'tear, peel'. also 'reiße', 'rupfe'. E. rend?
rake reche
reckon rechnegenerally, 'count'
wrench renkemeans 'twist back and forth'. G. 'verrenken' means 'wrench'
rhyme rimemeans 'put in row'. E. spelling imitates L. 'rhythmus'
rustle rauschebut 'raschle' is closer in sound…
reach reiche
rub reibe
ride reiterode:ritt
write reißemeans 'tear'. originally, scratch; Peculiar to E. in not being L. See read.
wrest ?reißeE. is like O.N…wrestle, wrist?
rise reisemeans 'journey', originally 'rise for a journey'
run renneran:rannte
run rinnran:rann. as does a stream, or a nose. G. p.t 'geronnen' more like E. present
rue reue
reek rieche
ripple riffle
ring ringmay be cheating: G. refers to a an organized fight
roll rolle
roast röste
rust roste
rumble rumple
rumple rümpfe
sow säe
sap saftmeans 'juice'
saw sägeas, 'saw wood'
salve salbe
salt salze
saddle sattle
seam säumealso akin to 'sew'. compare 'needle'
sour säuremeans 'acidify'
suck saugnote: 'suckle' may derive from 'suckling' 'Säugling'
shave schabeas with wood
shaft schäftemeans 'to make into a shaft', as by a lathe (would be better discussed as n.)
shape schaffesense of 'create, make'
shell schälein sense of 'peel'
shame schäme
shudder schaudrecompare also 'schaure'
shadow schattesince MHG, the 'w' is lost. mod. use is via the n.: Schatten werfen
show schauemeans 'gaze upon'. E. reverses the perspective
shovel schaufle
scum schäumemeans 'foam' (which is also dial. G.) also 'skim'
shed scheideE. sense of loss, as of blood or skin; G. sense of separation
shine scheineE. has irregular past 'shone'
scold schelte
shear schereshorn:geschoren. also 'shard'
shy scheue
scour scheure
shit scheißeshat:schiss
shift schichtemeans 'stratify'. note 'schiften' is from E.
shoot schießshot:schoss
ship schiffmeans 'navigate'
shimmer schimmrefrom Du.
skin schindeE. is from O.N., but all common Gmc.
slobber schlabbrefrom LG
slaughter schlachte
schlagmeans 'strike'. slay,slew,slain:schlag,schlug,geschlagen
snake schlänglewell…not very close
schlichteas 'smooth, polish', from Du., preserving the old meaning of G. 'schlecht'; as 'to ill-treat' schlecht behandln; also, the adjective meaning 'little, poor'
slink schleiche
sling schleudere…not very close. G. is from 16th century, E. maybe through No. There is also 'schlingen' 'to twist'
schlittrefrom LG
slit schlitze
slumber schlummremeans 'nap'
schlüpfebut 'schleife' is closer in sound…
slurp schlürfe
smack schmackeas 'taste': it smacks of pedantry
smack schmatzeas with the lips
melt schmelzemolten:geschmolzen
smite schmeißemeans 'fling'. but smote:schmiss
smart schmerzemeans 'give pain': that smarts!; E. meaning 'quick, prompt' from 'biting, smarting'
smear schmiereor 'grease'
smith schmiedeas 'forge'
mud schmuddelnakin to 'Moder' (mud), 'moderig' (earthy); also 'Schmutz', so 'smut'. Some related G. words were lost (due to F. 'mode', 'modern'?)
smuggle schmugglefrom LG
snap schnappe
snore schnarche
snow schneie
snip schnipple
sniff schnüffeln
sniffle, snuffle schnüffle
snare schnüremeans 'lace, fasten, tie up with string'
shock schocke
sheen schönemeans 'sugarcoat'. from the adj. 'schön'='beautiful'. akin to 'schaue'
scoop schöpfeDe. retains connection to schaffen
screw schraube
scream schreieor 'cry'
stride schreitestrode:schritt
shrill schrille
scrub schrubbe
shoulder schultre
shop schuppemeans 'put in a shed'. E. prob. via. F. 'eschoppe'
shore schüremeans 'winnow'. E. prob. from N. 'scorða'
wobble schwabblefrom LG, akin to 'schwappe'
squabble "2nd meaning 'prattle'
swab schwappefrom Du?
swap "G dial. to swap the ears; E. meaning is recent: strike hands in a bargain?
swarm schwärmealso 'schwirren'
schwebemeans 'waver, float'. in ME was slang for 'copulate'
sweep "means 'digress'.
swerve schweifemeans 'digress'.
swallow schwelgemeans 'revel,luxuriate' ('schlucken'='swallow')
swell schwelleE. has irregular past 'swollen'
swim schwimmswam,swum:schwamm,geschwommen
swindle schwindle
swing schwinge,
sweat switze
swear schwöre swore,sworn:schwor,geschworen
sail segle
sinew sehnemeans 'yearn' (as with the sinews of the heart)
send sende
singe senge
set setzetransitive form. see 'sit'
sigh seufze…not very close
sickle sichle
sight sichtealso means 'sift'
sieve siebe
seethe siede
seal siegle
sing singsang,sung
sink sinkesank,sunk,sunken. (there is also 'senk'='lower')
sit sitzsat,set:sass,gesessen. see 'sit'
sole sohleas shoes
sun sonne
sorrow sorge
spy spähein sense of 'peer'
split spalte
span spannealso 'stretch'
spare sparein sense of 'save'
spit, spew speielooks more like the 3rd p. form … and E. has spat…
spend spendemeans 'donate'
spin spinnspan,spun:spann,gesponnen. as with wool or a web
spindle spindle
splinter splittre
spur sporne
speak sprichrather special conj. spake,spoke:spricht,sprach,spräche,gesprochen
sprout spriessenearer G. p.t. 'spross'
sprinkle sprenklerefers to dry stuff though
spring springsprang,sprung:sprang,gesprungen. Sense of 'jump'.
spray sprühe
spit spuckealso see 'speie'
spool spule
stalk stelzeakin to 'steal'
steel stähle
stake stakeas 'pole'
stammer stammele
stem stamme
stamp, stomp stampfe
stare starre
stow staue
stun staunemeans 'marvel'
stick stechestuck:stach,gestochen. as with a knife; compare 'stecke'
steal stiehlstole,stolen:stahl,gestolen
stone steinige
stall stellemeans 'set, put in'
stamp stemple
starve sterbemeans generally 'die'. ('erhungre'='starve')
steer steure
still stillemeans 'quiet', 'breast-feed'
stink stinkestank,stunk:stank,gestunken
stumble stolperne
stop stopfeas with a cork in a bottle
" stoppeas with traffic
stir störemeans 'disturb'
strand strande
strive strebebut E. conj. is irregular (strove,striven:strebt,gestrebt). via OF 'estriver'. Also 'strife'
stroke streichleas with a pet
stroke streicheas with paint.
strike "means 'delete'. E. meaning 'hit' developed later. strike,struck,stricken:streich,strich,gestrichen
stripe streife
strew streue
stream ströme
storm stürme
seek suche
tattle tadelegenerally, 'blame'
dance tanze
thaw taue
dive taufenow means 'baptize'. compare 'tief'='deep', G. 'tauchen'='dive' is cognate with 'duck'
tar teere
die töteE. p.t. 'died' is more like 3rd p. 'tötet', and 'death' like 'Tod'
tragedrew:trug, has come to mean 'carry'
trample trample
dream träumedreamt:träumt
drive treibeE. is irregular, G. not?
drip triefedrop:getroffen (old G. conjugation) See 'drop'
trill trillealso 'trällern'
trip tripplethis is maybe Du.
dry trocknein OE, it had a 'g'
drum trommle
dribble tröpfle
drop tropfeas of water. Note E. usage 'drop' as 'let fall' seems not to be common germanic
trundle trudle
tumble tummlecompare 'taumeln'
toot tutemaybe from Du.; also 'dudeln'
forget vergissforgot:vergess vergassen
forbid verbieteforbade,forbidden:verbot,verboten
forgive vergibvergebe, vergab. Contrast: 'vorgib'='put forth'
forego vergehas 'pass off', 'go by'. Note 'vorgeh'='go ahead'
forthcome vorkommemeaning 'occur'
forewarn vorwarnewell…that could be easily constructed
watch wacheas 'keep watch'
wax wachseas the moon. Means generally 'mature'. Though wachsen is much more common in G. than E., 'wane' is no longer used in G.
waggle, wiggle wackele
weigh wiegethe past is closer in pronounciation: 'wäge'
wahremeans 'protect, to keep at a distance'. 'ware' archaic, but there is 'wary'. See 'beware' Compare 'gewahr'='aware'. Also G. 'wahr'='true'.
walk walkemeans 'full' as in textiles, as cloth or leather. This is a complicated etymology.
wander wandremeans 'hike'
warm wärme
warn warne
wait wartevia OF. akin to 'wahre'
wade wate
waddle watschle
weave webe'weave wove woven' 'webe wob gewoben'. Hence also 'web'
well wellemeans 'wave', as in water. sense of 'gush up' or 'boil' is the older meaning
wake wecke
gain weidemeans 'graze'. in E. via F.
while weileverb form rare in both languages; noun forms are similar
whine weinemeans 'weep'
wilt welke
wend wendemeans 'to turn, go'. G. p.t. wandt, E. only p.t. of 'go' and in to wend one's way
whet wetze
welcome willkomme
whimper wimmere
wind windeas 'to twist'. wound:wand, compare 'wenden'
wink winkemeans "to wave, beckon". G. 'zwinke' means 'wink'
whirl wirbele
wipe wischethis is dubious
whisper wispre
wring wringewrang,wrung:wrang,gewrungen
wonder wundre
wish wünche
waste wüsteas 'make a desert of'
tame zähme
teach zeigemeans 'point out'. E. has 'taught'
tell zähletold:zählte means 'count'; 'erzähle' is 'recount' as recount a tale
tear zerredict. says 'tear' is from 'zehren'. maybe both
chirp zirpe
twitter zwitschere