Steve White’s Animaux

May 22, Potsdam, Park Sanssouci

Stockente (mallard ducks) in the Entensee:

The female had a few ducklings around, and as I moved to a place with a better picture, she started across the pond. And one after another duckling came out of the reeds to join her.

I count 9 ducklings. Can she?

May 22, Potsdam, Park Sanssouci

A gaggle of Germans were gathered in the avenue leading to Schloß Sanssouci, and a cat, too. They were all looking at a toddler raccoon, which was making its way across. The cat was intensely interested — and some of the people were trying to keep the cat away from the raccoon.

I was wondering: “where’s mom?” Of course, mom may be nearby, just not brave enough to come out in front of a dozen humans.

I only watched for a few minutes, and continued on my way. There was nothing for me to do.

Raccoons are an import here, and are regarded as pests. I hope that little pest found its pest mom.